routine but not boring
After a few months of feeling behind and uninspired, I wanted to make a card that could show off some of my favorite aspects of printing—the texture of lines and co-mingling of color. Here’s a secret: I know a rainbow roll is a crowd pleaser but also a sneaky way to add 2-3 colors to a print in one run. And while printing the September postcard, I was still operating at about 60% of my pre-concussive self. So I cheated a little so make a postcard that popped for you while going easy on my brain.
This card is about routine, and finding that which will steady you through a sea of uncertainty. We’ve all had a bit of that in the past 18 months, myself included. Small routines give some form to my days. Currently, I’m trying working later in the evening, giving myself some time to unwind, and sleeping in. I do miss the early mornings and the rush of ideas that come with it for me, but healing and light duty at my full time job and my body adjusts and I try to adjust with it. I’d love to know what keeps you grounded in times of change, and its always a time of change.
My Turn
What would my response be to this month’s card?
I would share my studio routine. When I arrive at my studio (or my camper office) to work, I make a cup of tea or coffee, and clean up for a bit. I put away piles, sort prints from the previous visit, sweep, organize. I’ve been doing this for years. It might seem like procrastinating but I feel like it gives me a little time to arrive in my space. And I tend to work late and leave in a hurry so it is a chance for me to re-set my space before getting to work.
Remember you can read responses I’ve received to Keep Writing postcards here and if you aren’t a subscriber, remember there are monthly and yearly options here.