What Surrounds You Inspires You
If you’ve been reading what I write for at least a few months, you know I love swimming. But autumn is actually my favorite. I grew up in New England and for all the things I loved about living in New Orleans, there was never a real autumn. I grew up with red and gold blanketed hills, chill air, apples, spices, frost and roadways slick with wet leaves.
I love transitional times: spring, fall, sunrise, sunset. Being on the cusp of something else. Autumn is harvest and the end of a cycle. It is witchy air and preparations. It is calling back to what and who we lost and shedding what no longer suits us. In Oregon especially, it is gloom and mist and chill—satisfying my gothy inner teen—and then, for a surprise minute, bright sun—all the October Saturdays of my youth.
This morning I rode to drop off my ballot and then sat in the sun with coffee and wrote. I’ve been working and building for the past few months, and it feels like I have this month to push forward and see if the plan stands. Business, and life, is not really ever like that, one big push and then collapse or success. What we really have are the habits and relationships we cultivate, daily things we do and people we reach out to. I’m surrounding myself with people and practices that hopefully inspire and support. And a sunny autumn day feels like I’m heading in the right direction.
In June I made plans to teach and teach and teach. And I have. How validating to be doing the thing I love, to begin to turn down opportunities because they are not the right fit and to make plans for next year.
There is a big shop revamp coming in two weeks. My plans might be more than I can accomplish but here’s to taking in the cool air and see what I can share.